Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The new computer for MAJ!

Here are some photos of the new arrivals! We ordered 2 desktops and 2 laptops with the collected funds and received everything yesterday and this morning. With a little help from the more technologically gifted people in the office, the new machines are up and running! We can now begin work on getting the MAJ website in place, as well as continuing to update the newly created Twitter and YouTube accounts. Thanks again to all of those who have made this project possible. 

Also, its getting to be that time of year again. We're three weeks out from Tabaski in Senegal, known in many parts of the world as Eid al-Adha; one of the biggest Muslim holidays of the year. A symbolic sacrifice of a male sheep is required by each father of the household, and so, about this time every year, thousands and thousands of sheep descend on the city. Its quite an experience. The picture below I took on my way to work. Its publicity for the Senegalese lottery, that instead of giving away money, gives away expensive sheep right before Tabaski. If you look closely, you can see the sheep on display! Look for more posts on Tabaski as we get closer. 

A blog post of mine wouldn't be complete without a food update. Here is the latest dish: "Moroccan stew" with the chicken from the market plus all local veggies of course - eggplant, carrot, white yams, potatoes, and lots of onion and garlic. Yum!


  1. For more information on Tabaski, see the website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eid_al-Adha

  2. Food looks delicious Shani and computers look great. How about a link to the twitter and youtube accounts for those that are interested.
